I have a good friend that actually bought a Chinese-made laser welder, after I bought mine from LaserStar, and his point was price. I have not welded on his machine yet, but I do know that it does not have the features that my laser welder has. It was cheaper than my laser welding machine, but is it really worth it? What if the flash lamp blows? Will he be able to get a new one easily? I'm sure that if my welder died tomorrow, I could pack it in my truck and drive it to one of LaserStar's offices and actually be able to get it fixed!
I know there are the Italian-made lasers, and other manufacturers throughout the world with quality products. I chose to buy American, and I already told someone this today. If someone wanted to buy my laser welder, I might think about selling it....for double or triple what I paid for it. It is that important to me. Having that piece of equipment has changed my life, and has improved my business, and I TRUST the people who made it that they made a QUALITY product.
When it is something as valuable as your health, eyes, and let's face it, our bottom line in business, you should buy a quality product that can be trusted to work properly, and made by people you can talk to and trust.
Daniel Buchanan
St. Augustine