FABTECH Show Video Contest
We are excited to be taking part in the FABTECH Show at McCormick Place in Chicago next month. In preparation for the event, we have created a new promotional video. This video has been entered in a contest on the FABTECH website and we really need your help to have a chance to win.
Please Vote for LaserStar Today!
Whichever video receives the most votes by November 1st will be featured throughout the four-day event and also on their official website. We just found out about the contest a few days ago and we need your help to win. Please vote now for LaserStar! Voting is quick and easy. All you have to do is click here or on the link below and once you’re on the page, watch our video and simply click the little green “thumbs up” icon to the right of our video.
We have been uploading new videos to LaserStar.TV on a regular basis and the positive feedback we’ve been receiving is very much appreciated. If you haven’t subscribed to our channel, please do so by clicking here now! This is a great way to stay connected with us and learn more about the latest in laser welding and marking technology.
We hope to see you at the FABTECH Show from November 18th through the 21st located at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL. Please stop by the LaserStar Technologies Booth No. S2309 to see our latest product line.
We appreciate your help and your support. To learn more about LaserStar products, please contact anyone of our LaserStar centers.
RI 401-438-1500 – FL 407-248-1142 – CA 213-612-0622