Laser Welding in Automotive Manufacturing
Laser welding is a welding technique used to join multiple pieces of metal through the use of a laser beam. The laser welding system provides a concentrated heat source, allowing for narrow, deep welds and high welding rates. This process is used frequently in high volume welding applications, such as in the Automotive Industry.

Laser welding in the automotive industry has applications that enable manufacturers to weld component engine parts, transmission parts, alternators, solenoids, fuel injectors, fuel filters, air and conditioning equipment as well as many other applications. Laser welding is a great tool due to its ability to weld pre-machined components with restricted heat and minimal distortion.
The laser welding process exhibits good repeatability and is easy to automate. These features make the process an excellent choice for high-productivity processes such as some of those used in the automotive industry. Laser welding has numerous advantages and benefits over traditional welding methods and can greatly reduce costs while improving production efficiency and quality.
To learn more about laser welding applications in the automotive industry, please contact LaserStar today.