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Introducing the iWeld Laser Welder for Jewelry Repair & Design

LaserStar Leads the Way in Hot Light!


Leave it to the leading laser manufacturer to improve on a good thing. LaserStar Technologies, a driver in marketplace innovation of laser welders, continues to push the edge by expanding product capabilities and developing advanced features on their latest products, all while reducing the out of pocket cost for retailers. Understanding that retailers need tools to build additional revenue streams beyond finished goods sales was a driving factor when developing new product, and today retailers of all sizes are the beneficiary of a company that cares.

LaserStar’s iWeld® family of laser welders delivers speed and accuracy at a price even small jewelers can afford.

LaserStar’s recent contribution to the jewelry industry is their iWeld® Laser Welding product line – a manual laser welder equipped with enhanced power and accuracy. Now in its 3rd generation, the iWeld® portfolio offers retailers many choices they didn’t have in previous models.

Would you prefer a table top model or portable pedestal device? What color would you like your iWeld® to be? Sapphire Blue or Ruby Red? Does your operator prefer the ClearView Scope or the Leica Scope? You can even choose the Removable Chamber Option if it fits your needs. So many choices…

But it’s the intentional design with price in mind, without comprising the quality of the machine, that makes this product line appealing to businesses of any size.

“This family of products is targeted to all skill and financial levels,” remarks James Gervais, president and chief operating officer of LaserStar Technologies. “You don’t need to be a master jeweler to operate it and we’ve reduced the price range so that even the smallest companies can afford it. And, as always, our products come in a 120V version so that our customers can plug into any regular outlet. We are the only company that offers this.”

jewelry laser weldingOut of pocket spend on an iWeld® laser system ranges from $16,000 to $22,000, almost $10,000 below their next level of laser welding machines.  iWeld is safe to use on a variety of metals, including silver, making the machine an essential part of developing revenue from repairs or custom work. LaserStar ensures the highest level of hot-light energy transfer from the source through the welding chamber, reducing retailer liability. And the machine is designed with operator comfort in mind, complete with ergonomic features.

But LaserStar doesn’t stop there. Because they are the only laser welder manufacturer based in America they offer two-day laser welder training sessions to their customers where training is done while working on actual jobs, making the training session even more productive. Trainees learn to use their iWeld® while repairing 3 stone rings, tennis bracelet clasps and even eye wear repair.

“We’ve really listened to our customers who told us we needed a product line that came in under $20,000, and we went straight to the drawing board to create the iWeld® Laser Welding System portfolio,” states Gervais. “iWeld is important to us and the success of this line is tremendous. We’ve sold over 800 machines to the domestic jewelry industry alone and we will continue to support our retailers because we are headquartered right here in the U.S. with them.”

To learn more about laser welding jewelry,download our iWeld Brochure Now or Contact LaserStar with any questions you may have.


This article was published in the June issue of Southern Jewelry News. Please click here to read the entire article.

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