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Why the FDA Encourages Laser Marking in Manufacturing.

Laser Marking is a Great Method of Identifying Parts for Traceability


laser marking systemsThe United States is a big country. A country that tries its best to oversee and protect us from danger, whether it involves taxes, food, drugs, terrorism, or hundreds of other deterrents that may or may not affect our well-being.

One of the many ways our government protects us is through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Whatever is imported into the United States, or sold in the United States must have a specified safety standard requirement as well as a mandatory certificate of compliance for these imports or sales.

Laser marking is a great method of identifing parts for control, tracing or tracking permanently! Especially in the medical or military fields where security is extremely important. The FDA is requiring more and more of these manufacturers to implement permanent identifying marks to assist in traceability in the event there is a failure or future problem.

In other fields that are not as critical, it is also becoming a standard practice to facilitate individual part marking. This enables inventory control automatically. Even in-house parts can be monitored through all work in process and enables the tracking of parts on different machines. This can be a priceless asset in troubleshooting when mistakes occur.

Even the United States Department of Defense (DOD) has had their say in the usage of laser markings and other technologies that implement identification. It, in fact, now requires IUID (Item Unique Identification) for all palpable property valued at more than five thousand dollars. This mark must include the manufacture and identification number or serial number of that particular part.

Medical Device Manufacturing:

The manufacturers of medical devices absolutely depend on on the exactness and precision of the laser marking system. This assists them in meeting their strict identification and traceability procedures. It also provides them with an engraving that is non-contact yet consistent while eliminating any damage to the medical parts.

Medical devices, such as surgical instruments, implants and supplies use laser marking for product identification, because these marks are corrosion resistant and can handle repeated sterilization processes.

Additionally, laser marking systems circumvent the FDA-approval concerns normally involved with ink, and can mark surfaces without producing gaps and grooves, which is a feature to avoid on implants.


There is no underestimating the importance of laser marking useage in the military where things are highly regulated.

The non-destructive nature of laser marking and laser engraving has many uses in industries associated with the military. Serialization, lot code tracking, regulatory markings, bar coding and data matrix codes just to name a few. All products and parts must be in compliance with all pertinent military stipulations. All identification markings, such as serial numbers, part numbers, lot numbers and more, are categorically vital – vehicle parts, equipment, tools, weapons and electronic parts, just to name a few.

Already extensive in such industries as packaging, automotive and consumer goods, laser marking offers permanent, fast and programmable marking of dates, letters and codes. The technology offers permanent, fast and programmable marking of dates, codes, numbers and letters on a wide variety of plastic products. It is also considered ecologically friendly since the laser marking procedure does not necessitate the use of solvents normally required in printing ink practices.

There is rapid growth in laser marking for aesthetic applications as well. Laser marking and laser engraving is used for product differentiation, these applications would include logos, designs and patterns as well as other markings.

Things are changing, and in this evolutionary world, we accept, and try to embrace these changes. Laser marking is just one of the ways we are now using to track a physical item. We track it for security, quality control and even to rectify a complaint.

To learn more about laser part marking, visit our website at or contact us now.


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