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Reasons to Buy a Laser Welder for Your Jewelry Business

Why Laser Welding for Your Jewelry Business

Are You:

  • laser welding jewelry

    working too late?

  • sending clients to other jewelers because you cannot do the repair?
  • burning stones in an attempt to re-tip a prong?
  • refusing heat-sensitive repair applications?
  • having problems turning around repairs in a timely manner?
  • adding excessive labor to jewelry repairs?
  • wishing you could do more “High Dollar Value” custom designs?
  • spending too little time with clients on the showroom floor?
  • thinking about creating a jewelry repair profit center?
  • stiving to improve quality while minimizing risk?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then a laser welder may be the answer for your business. Laser welders can be used to fill porosity, re-tip platinum or gold prong settings, repair bezel settings, repair/resize rings and bracelets without removing stones and correct manufacturing defects. Laser welding reconfigures the molecular structure of either similar or dissimilar metals at the point of welding, allowing the two common alloys to become one.

“It’s been one year now and I absolutely love my LaserStar laser welder! It has allowed me to increase the accuracy of my work and I’ve been taking in jobs that I never would have considered before. I’m absolutely convinced that this past year, as it has proven to be near-disastrous to many in the jewelry industry, was made considerably more tolerable because of the types of work the laser welder has enabled me to do.”

“Hats-off to LaserStar for a first class product and ever-ready support. I’m also absolutely sure that I would not have gotten off to the great start I did, without the help of Giles Pope, Director of Education. The two day training with Giles made a world of difference. If you ever need a reference, let me know. You have earned one huge fan!”

– Al Solymosi Jr., Jeweler, Young’s Jewelry, Cleveland, Ohio 44135

Manufacturing retail jewelers currently using laser welders are often amazed at the wide range of applications and the ability to produce a higher quality product in less time with fewer materials while eliminating excessive heat effects.

Laser Welding – Into the Future

During the last few years, the price of many laser welding systems has decreased, making them increasingly affordable to jewelry manufacturers, small design studios, repair shops and retail jewelers while offering additional features and flexibility to the user. Frequently, those who have purchased the laser welding systems find that the time, labor and material savings realized far outweigh the original purchase price.

Learn more about the iWeld Laser Welder. The iWeld is our best selling laser welder in the jewelry market. Download our iWeld Brochure now.




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