LaserStar Technologies

Tool & Mold Making


Laser Systems in the Mold Making Industry

Tool and die and mold making companies have many uses for laser technology. Wear, damage and design changes are just a few of the reasons tools or molds may need to be modified or re-manufactured. The use of laser systems in the tool and mold making industries can prevent the need to re-fabricate and help keep costs down by repairing rather than re-manufacturing parts.

LaserStar Mold Repair Lasers
LaserStar Mold Repair Lasers

Laser marking and engraving technology is also a very common practice in this market used to brand, serialize and create markings and deep engravings on tools as well as molds and mold cavities. LaserStar has many years of experience in the tool and die and mold making industries and offers various solutions for the effective use of lasers.

Tool and die shops currently using laser technology are often amazed at the wide range of applications and the ability to produce a higher quality product in less time with fewer materials while eliminating excessive heat effects.

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