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Laser Marking for Machine Shops – Untapped Revenue

Direct Part Marking for Your Machine Shop

A recent phone survey conducted by LaserStar Technologies indicated that 67% of small-to-medium sized precision metal turning or plastic forming operations, continue to rely on outside contract job shops to provide laser identification on their parts.

Are you aware that:

  • Laser marking can generate $120 to $150 per hour of additional revenue for your business?
  • The average part number or logo takes only seconds to setup and laser mark?
  •  Direct part marking can satisfy US Government IUID compliance?
  •  Laser marking identification is a requirement for most medical device manufacturers?
  •  Laser marking identification can easily exceed Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms requirements for traceability?

Direct Laser Part Marking

Permanent, attractive direct part marking of logos and part numbers are no longer a luxury and in fact, it is a requirement in most industries. If you are not providing part marking for traceability to your customers, you could be just giving away revenue or losing out on the opportunity to others that do.

Whether you are looking to reach into new markets, trying to maintain existing business or would like to add a competitive advantage, selecting the right laser marking equipment with the best capabilities is critical. A fiber laser marking system from LaserStar can give you the advantage you need to compete in today’s high value markets!

FiberStar Laser Marking Systems

Here are just a few examples of what a LaserStar fiber laser marking system can do for you:

  • Adherence to FDA guidelines for marking medical devices. Permanently laser mark titanium medical implants with highly contrasting black colored logos, part & serial numbers and machine readable 2-D Matrix codes.
  • Meet and exceed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms requirements.  Precisely laser mark part and serial numbers onto firearms and small arms components to the depth and size required for permanent identification.
  • Produce eye-catching graphics into clear anodized aluminum parts for the high end aftermarket automotive industry. You will be able to create dark, attractive marks into this material which will actually add beauty, not detract, to the overall aesthetics of the product.

Lasers are a non-contact engraving method (no tools to wear or break) so from the first serial number to the last, the character definition and depth will be flawless regardless of material hardness.  Laser marking systems are reliable and rugged, simple to program and cost less than one dollar per hour to operate.

For 60 years, LaserStar Technologies Corporation has provided our clients with the best of American designed and manufactured technologies to increase productivity and profitability.  We understand that you do indeed have a choice in today’s global market and we take our relationship with our extended family of clients as an obligation and privilege.  We will be here to serve you when you are ready to discuss how you might discover the untapped revenue stream from laser processing.

To see what the fiber laser marking system from LaserStar can do for your business; contact us to arrange a free no-obligation sample laser marking for your evaluation. 




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