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Laser Welding


Lasers for Welding in Electronics Manufacturing

Laser Spot and Laser Seam Welding

Spot and seam welding of metals with lasers is precise and allows joining of very small welding spots and fine welding seams of miniaturized, electrical components used in the Electronics Industry. LaserStar’s pulse laser welders are electronically compatible and ideal for voltage sensitive applications used in lasers for welding in electronics manufacturing. Precision automated or manual welding construction can be performed on electronic components with a high degree of accuracy, while eliminating the potential hazards of heat damage or thermal stress to complex manufacturing materials. Laser welding also ensures a longer life of the electronic component parts.

Common laser spot or laser seam welding applications include complex electronic components, high-precision industrial assemblies, pressure-sensitive hermetic laser seals, and other unique applications used in electronics manufacturing. Since laser welding requires no filler material, it also reduces costs and naturally lends itself to automation for a stable and repeatable weld process during laser welding electronics.

The number of laser welding applications increases every year as this technology evolves, offering many new advantages. We welcome the opportunity to help our customers determine if their particular application may benefit from laser welding. To learn more, contact LaserStar today!

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