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What Sets LaserStar’s StarFX Software Laser Training Apart?

STARFX Training program images box mock-upsBecoming a laser operator is a great way to expand your skill set and increase your value to a manufacturing business. However, completing laser training and actually walking away with the skills needed to successfully operate and maintain high-value laser engraving machines is often easier said than done.

LaserStar’s StarFX training program can help you pick up the knowledge and skills you need to achieve the greatest possible level of productivity with your laser engraving system. 

How can you get started with laser training on the LaserStar Academy platform? How Does LaserStar’s education and training program differ from other “laser training” programs?  

See the Results with a Real LaserStar Academy Graduate:

Getting Started with Laser Training

One of the first steps to get started with laser training is getting to know both the laser system and the software you’re going to be using. This is important as different courses may specialize in teaching different things.

For example, not all laser machine operating software programs are the same—so there may be differences between what a training course teaches and what the software can accommodate if you take a course made by a different party than the machine’s manufacturer and the laser system software’s developer.

Additionally, even machines made by the same manufacturer may have different features that you will want to learn. Some laser machines may have motion control devices that can be manipulated along the X, Y, and/or Z axes, while others may only have X and Y motion. 

So, when looking for laser operator training, it helps to start by reaching out to the manufacturer of the specific laser system you’re planning on using to see what resources they have available. This could help you ensure that you’re getting the right laser training course for your needs.

How LaserStar’s StarFX Laser Training Is Different from the Competition

Some “laser training” programs fail to provide even the most basic of information about the laser systems you might be expected to use in your daily work. In many cases, their entire “training” program consists of prerecorded online videos with a short, multiple-choice quiz that spits out a certification doc link when you’re finished.

So, how is LaserStar Academy different?

1: Personalized, Live Instruction Sessions

Here at LaserStar, we thought that was a poor way to help new laser operators master the art of using laser systems to weld, cut, or engrave materials in different applications. While videos are useful for covering the most basic and common information, a pre-recorded video can’t be asked questions and provide good answers to them.

That’s why the LaserStar Academy offers live training with a real laser marking expert who knows our laser systems and software inside and out. In these live training courses, students are able to remotely collaborate with one another to help each other out, ask questions of their peers, and foster a positive group experience that enhances the value of the training course.

With LaserStar Academy, you don’t just get a recorded lecture, you get time with a real person who can walk through the lesson with you and your classmates to review specific questions and use cases that you may have. 

2: Flexibility of Training

To ensure that you’re able to get the laser training you want when you want it, LaserStar provides not just in-person classes, but online courses and on-demand video tutorials covering a variety of topics for using the StarFX software, such as:

With the on-demand videos, you’re able to learn at your own pace. Each video also includes detailed visuals showing you examples of laser engraving systems in action, the StarFX software tools, and how you can use them.

With remote access to live classes, you can attend the LaserStar StarFX software training sessions from anywhere in the world with internet access. You don’t have to go to a physical building. However, if you prefer in-person lessons, you can visit LaserStar’s corporate headquarters in Florida for one-on-one training sessions.

Quotes from Real Laser Engraving Training Course Graduates

Of course, we’re a bit biased towards our own laser education. So, don’t just take our word for it—see what other LaserStar Academy graduates have to say about our program and how it helped them!

Take, for example, John Lewis at Accurate Arms, a custom firearms shop that works on a “by appointment only” basis. He is one of the graduates of the LaserStar Academy program who got started when his employer picked up a laser engraving system to do laser stippling on their custom firearm projects and engrave on Cerakote®—a ceramic-based finish used to enhance a piece’s abrasion resistance, impact strength, and other physical properties.

John was put in charge of the new engraving machine and wanted to learn how to use it. Before he started the live LaserStar Academy sessions, he watched the Tactical StarFX Laser Training on-demand videos.

As John said in his testimonial video: “I liked that the training was a big part of it. There are a lot of companies with lasers that don’t necessarily offer the same quality of training.” He was the perfect candidate for laser operator training because he was eager to learn about the new laser system his workplace was getting and how he could get the best performance out of it.

He didn’t use the laser on anything until watching the on-demand videos, but he did do a few test projects before attending the class. Once he got started on the actual live training, though, he saw a massive increase in what he could do with the system. As he said:

“I did do quite a bit before we actually got into the training with Rowan. It was easy to use after following the videos. But I didn’t get the depth of what’s possible with the system until I got the training with Rowan, which expanded my horizons quite a bit.” —John Lewis

After he finished his training John sent the LaserStar team a fun video showing some of the cool stuff he did with the laser machine. We asked him if he would like to share his feedback with the world in the form of a testimonial.

Thanks John!

John wasn’t the only LaserStar Academy graduate who wanted to share his experience with the world. Paul Scott, an IT consultant who was interested in switching career tracks to create custom-engraved products using lasers had this to say:

“The training was just amazing… I was very impressed with Raphael’s knowledge of the product and how he went into the utmost detail on every single part—basically setting up the machine, to the small parts like the extraction system, to setting up the laser and then using every single piece of software… I wasn’t even aware that you could engrave something with such detail that you could get with the laser.”  —Paul Scott

LaserStar is proud to provide eager learners like John and Paul with the laser education they need to make the most of their laser engraving machines.

Sign Up for LaserStar Academy Now

Are you ready to learn how you can maximize productivity from your laser system? Reach out to us today to sign up for the LaserStar Academy!

We look forward to helping you grab a brighter future that embraces laser technology!


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