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Hear What Customers Are Saying About LaserStar Learning Centers

"There are many benefits of the LaserStar Learning Center including being away from crowded big cities and busy workshops. It was a relaxing, learning environment."
Kip Stodghill
The Galaxie Jewelers, Houston, TX
"I have already attended Rofin’s advanced laser welding class in Michigan last year, but I must say LaserStar’s class, with two experienced Applications Specialists, was extremely impressive!”
Allan Freilich
Freilich Jewelers, Bronx, NY (Rofin laser owner)
"The LaserStar laser welder has made me a better Goldsmith!"
Frank Forney Jr.
Mountz Jewelers, Carlisle, PA
"LaserStar’s product has opened a “new door” in our ability to service our customers."
Dallas Miller
Keystone Jewelers, Bristol, VA
I just got back from laser welding training with LaserStar, and I have to tell everyone, if you have a laser and didn’t take the course, you are missing the boat and swimming upstream."
Reagan Steele Jewelers
Sayre, PA
"Our Silver jewelry welding repairs are much better after training and learning about the various LaserStar Welding Wires that are available."
John Wallace
Autumn Gold, Middlebury, VT
"We have utilized the training and skill sets everyday since receiving the LaserStar. We cannot express enough our pleasure with the LaserStar and our overwhelming satisfaction with LaserStar’s training and support staff."
Christine Psaledakis
C & T Jewelers, North Conway, NH
"The Advanced User Workshop was better than expected - I was able to apply what I learned the first hour I got back to work."
Frank Forney
Jr., Mountz Jewelers, Carlisle, PA
"Totally impressed by LaserStar’s laser training staff. Thanks for everything!"
Douglas Westphal
Westphal Jewelers, Bradley, IL
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