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Advanced Laser Workshops


Learn Why People are Raving About LaserStar's Advanced User Group Jewelry Laser Welding Workshops

LaserStar Workshop Testimonial

" The training was great, honestly coming in I thought it was going to be very difficult... at the same time with the great teacher that we've had, Giles, he's been able to teach us many things and I've really enjoyed it!"
Pietro Bottari

Workshop Overview

Discover some of the latest real-world techniques from LaserStar’s Application Specialists and other experienced owners in this dynamic idea sharing event. Topics of discussion may include: parameter settings, custom fabrication, restoration techniques, heat-sensitive applications, eye wear and watch repair, common alloys, benefits of pulse shaping (P3) and re-tipping techniques. As well as many other common and sometimes uncommon welding tasks.

Our highly-trained instructors encourage you to bring your most difficult, troublesome repair jobs! Gain powerful tips as they demonstrate and explain the how-to methods to successfully complete the repair. Listen firsthand to other owner’s success stories and quickly learn the knowledge you need to sell the benefits of laser technology with confidence. Each workshop will strive to address the attendees specific hot-topics, objectives and areas of specific interest.


  • Master the advanced skill sets for profitable laser usage
  • Comprehensive Laser Safety Presentation / Laser Institute of America Approved
  • Attendees will have the opportunity to share ideas with other laser owners - please bring your problem pieces
  • Continental Breakfast and Lunch included
  • Certificate of Completion

If you or somebody you know is a current LaserStar User and is interested in experiencing insight into the benefits of using laser technology, you owe it to yourself to attend a LaserStar Advanced User Applications Workshop. A basic training certificate from a LaserStar Certified Training is required to participate, or three years of laser experience.

Phone: 407-248-1142 • Fax: 866-708-5274 Email:

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